Bullet Trap
Bullet Trap
This disarming bullet trap is spcifically designed for the disarming of handguns and rifles at checkpoints like : Buildings, Airports, Businesses, etc.
The disarming bullets can also be of any type for example, hanguns - 9mm and 45 magnum, rifles - R4, R5, R12 Guage and 7.62x52mm amour piercing bullters as the bullet trap contain material that will catch armour piercing bulltets.
Catching materials :
It contains a unique composition of Kevlar, ceramics, high density frp and polymers contained in a steel casing.
The Steel casing is also surrounded by shock and energy absorbtion silica enclosed by a smooth moulded fiberglass.
Height : 260mm
Width : 275mm
Depth : 450mm
Mass : 20kgs
Cyclinder Size : 130mm Diameter